Tuesday, April 7, 2009

New Books!

Okay so yesterday i was bored so i bugged my mom and guess what!!! I bugged her SO much that she took me to the library so i could get some books! She says its so i would go up stairs and read and leave her alone! I think deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep DEEP down she misses me when im reading! maybe..... I got Austenlands by shannon hale, Paint the wind by Pam Munoz Ryan and Dragon Sleppers by Jessica Day George! I haven't read a lot of them... i read the begining of Austenlands because i love Shannon Hales stuff! The reason i haven't read is becasue last night me and mattie stayed up till 1:30 making funny songs! We have three! The first one is about her friend whose a toenail who got lost in Uncle Fernies arm pit hair! The second one is about a guy who stapled his tounge to a tree! The last one is about this girl who puts her elbow on this guys foot and he tells her hes going to kick her butt if she doesn't move her foot! Then she tells him that she cant cuz she's paralized from her toes to her eyes!!! It was sooo much fun!!! Now were going to make one about a guy who gets accidently pickled when he goes to a pickle factory!!! oh..... i crack myself up!!! Well my favorite song by the red jumpsuit aparatus just came on so i have to go sing!! BYE!!!


AustinCougar said...

Will you ever update your blog?

Ashly said...

not until you change your name and your pic! LOL! GO UTES!


AustinCougar said...

Go BYU!!!!