Saturday, February 21, 2009


I am trying out for two parts in a play!!! Let me explain, at school we are performing the play A Midsummers Night Dream by: Shakespear. We get to chose if we want to try out and we get to chose which character we want to try out for. I am trying out for the two main girl characters, Hermia and Helena. Try outs are on tuesday! I have all my parts memorized to the core and I am VERY, let me repeat, VERY! confident that i will be chosen as Hermia! (Sort of the main MAIN girl character!!!) The reason why i am VERY, let me repeat, VERY confident is because on the last day of school Mr. Moore, my teacher, asked me PERSONALY, let me repeat, PERSONALY! to help the other girls practice their english accents because mine just flowed naturally! Well those weren't his exact words but i could just tell!!! You know sometimes you can just tell what people are trying to say but really don't say it! YOU KNOW???? Well I guess I should explain to you why my english accent is so good even though its embarrasing!!! Okay so I am totaly not a morning person so to wake me up my mom would make me and my sisters talk in a strange accent like english, western, chineese ect. One time we even did opera!!!! It was soooo much fun! We sometimes still do it! But any ways wedid english accents a lot becasue it was the only accent we could really think of. So now I'm all grown up and basically can speak in an english accent and make it sound like I really am from England or from Europe and stuff! Then this play comes around and my teacher tells all the people that got their lines to try out for with that you have to say it with an English accent! Every one is moaning and complaining and I'm just sitting there laughing my butt off thinking of how my mom prepared me for this on accident and in the strangest way! But then to help my friends, Mattie and Lexi who are trying out, (Syd isn't because she doesn't like acting even though she has been in three lagoon comercials and tried out for a movie but a movie star beat her! But you have to realize that in all of those comercials she had no speaking part.) back to waht i was saying. I was helping my friends practice by having them and me speak in an english accent all day. I think it was the last day of school when we did this and that was the day when Mr. Moore asked me to help. Then when we came back on track like three people in a row asked me to help! I don't like boasting but i feel like i really have this whole thing up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well i have to go because my mom is a jonna and is making me get off!!! BYE!!!!
-Mrs. Cullen!

PS! I got a 122 on an IQ test!!! Is that good or bad??? Im pretty sure its waaayyy good but comment if im wrong!!! BYE!!! 4 real this time!!!!


NICOLE said...

Oh Ashly, I miss you!!!

g&gjohns said...

Wow, I'm glad your mother taught you such a good acting skill. Who knew? I think you will get the part too.

Liesl said...

Good luck at your tryouts! You will be perfect because you are such a DRAMA Queen! By the way, 122 is a really good score - but don't let it go to your head. That just means you should be getting straight A's.

Ashly said...

It was just an IQ test on the internet and it raised my score because of my age!!! So actually i shud be getting straight bs. And i miss you too Nicole the Pickle!!!! ;-P! I really REALLY really hope i get the part!!! Well TTYL!!!! BYE!!!!

jill said...

Good luck on your tryouts! I hope you get it! We will practice our accents tomorrow and on Tuesday morning so you can practice!! Love you!

AustinCougar said...

I am big and tall and I might br Puck!

Ashly said...

Ur not big or tall! No offense!!! Well i guess brandy or mattie might call you tall!!! JK!!! And I hope Jonathan is Puck and U r Lysander and Mattie is Hermia and I am.... WAIT!!! If matties hermia then i would be helena and that means PARKER could be demetrius!!! GROSS!!! Well I just hope im Hermia and Parker is not in it!! JK AGAIN!! Well im confusing myself and i know im probably confusing you too!! SO BYE!!!
(This comment is meant to reply to AUSTIN!!!!)

AustinCougar said...

Well I am to tall to be Puck!

AustinCougar said...

and fat

Ashly said...